Update to Sweet Love Tribute blog

The sweet love tribute to Cincinnati DJ Oscar Treadwell scheduled for tonight at the Madison Theater has been canceled due to weather. The Madison is asking people to hang on to their tickets.

My hair appointment for tomorrow afternoon was moved to Wednesday, also in anticipation of bad weather. Not sure what that means since nothing is happening outside at all right now. However, I have it on good authority that spring is imminent. An excerpt from a recent phone call with my mother, who's currently living it up in AZ:

"That animal? The one who lives underground or whatever? Came out and missed seeing his, what, shadow? So spring will start soon."

I gather she's talking about the groundhog. And yes, mom was on the money- Phil missed seeing his shadow and spring is (I hope, I hope) right around the corner. I can't take all of these schedule changes.


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