Well I Never (said with my Kentucky drawl: Ahhh Neh-verrrr)

So Friday we hung out at Cheryl’s and I did three stupid things:

Said sure, I’ll drink margaritas instead of beer
Something else I can’t tell you about here
Suggested that we play that time-honored drinking game, I Never.

No one else had ever played, amazing, so it was great fun. I love introducing unsuspecting people to worn-out drinking games. One of the women was pretty racy (no, it wasn’t me) which always makes for an especially good game. We went through the usual rounds that showed off our dissolute pasts and then moved on to confessions, an inevitable part of the game.

I mean, it’s pretty difficult to drink on some of the "I Never" statements without offering some sort of explanation: I was under the influence. I was in love. I was under the influence and I was in love. That’s basically what the responses, however they were couched, came down to. Mostly, it was love that motivated us to be wild. Be bad. Be stupidly stupid.

And that’s so often the reason why I’ve made bad decisions. I even said that at one point, after another double shot found me looking up from the bottom of the glass to a ring of raised eyebrows: I can’t help it. I fall in love a lot.

Three hours later, I woke up to love’s hangover.

Next time I think I’ll just show them how to play euchre.


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